Tom handed out some enchanted weapons, I had a sword similar to the one I had fought Randall with. Medium in length but light, he and I both, had figured it was perfect. Once a weapon becomes enchanted it glows a certain color. They explained to me what the colors meant. Purple, the color of my sword, made it so the sword stuns the enemy and they go insane for a short while and attack anybody. I thought that was a little horrific, but they pressed on me to use it. I tried to refuse, but my attempts were in vain. I figured out that Patrick was a long range marksman, after I asked him why he was using a bow. The bow was glowing light blue, the color of ice, because whatever limb the arrow hits, the limb is rendered useless unless given an antidote. Tom was holding an axe that probably weighed very high because when I tried to pick it up I dropped it after fifteen seconds. His axe was glowing yellow. Which makes it have a much cleaner cut. Randall was using a slightly curved sword which glowed red. When I asked him about it all he said was "It's just in case we have to make a quick escape"
We were all waiting in anticipation in the basement excluding Patrick, who was keeping watch upstairs. I was nervous at first, but then I started thinking that nobody was going to come. Patrick even exclaiming to us from upstairs that nobody is coming. I guess that Randall knew they were coming because he kept Patrick upstairs.
"I'm gonna go outside just prove that nobody's gonna come"
Randall went upstairs and exchanged a few words with Patrick that I couldn't understand. "What do you think they're saying?" Asked Tom
"Randall's probably mad at him but I think that Patrick is too stubborn to not go outside" All of a sudden Patrick came storming down the stairs. Obviously mad. I had enough people skills to know not to ask him anything unless I wanted to risk being me the one he was mad at. Then I heard breaking glass and a thud. We all rushed up and saw a body on the ground. Tom looked over it and realized it was not Randall, where was he?
"What the-" Tom was cut off by a human jumping through the glass onto him. I plunged my sword into the small of his back. Luckily it killed him immediately so that he was not subject to the strange power of my weapon. Another jumped in onto me but an arrow was through his arm less than a second later. He rolled of me in horror of what had happened to his arm. Ice was engulfing it and he couldn't move it. He was flailing it around then fell to the ground because of the weight. Two more came through and I found Randall. He rolled from underneath a bed and through ones legs. He then thrust his sword into the mans torso. The one left was running at Tom with a rusty knife and sliced his arm. Tom then dropped his axe onto the mans foot, slicing it clean off. Patrick then put an arrow into the back of his head and he was killed. Randall immediately started tending to Tom's wound.
"One jumped at me but I fought him off and hid under the bed. I heard footsteps so but I didn't know if it was you or them." He pointed at the bodies, that were quickly disintegrating.
"What's happening to them?" Patrick asked
"This is what happens to people on their last live. I suppose its been brought down to one now" explained Randall
"How can you tell that they weren't just on their last life?" Questioned Tom
"It's just a hunch, because people would be more cautious and smart on their last life. Anyways, it'd be very coincidental if they were all on their last life."
"Let's ask this guy" I said, standing over him. He was just laying there. Holding onto his left arm with is other. Randall walked up to my side. He crouched down low, and asked.
"How ya doing?"
He just lay there staring for a while. When I started to feel aggravated about him being so silent he finally said something "Why do you care?!" He was acting tough but in his eyes he looked scared. Tom stomped on his ribcage and the man coughed up blood.
Randall asked again, with the same emotion. The man gave up his tough guy act and said "Please d-don't kill, me, I don't wanna die, I juts wanna get out of here like you" with a whimper in his voice.
"Who do you work for?"
"Who are you people!" Asked the man
"We're asking the questions here!" Randall shouted with annoyance.
"Ok-kay. Me and the other guy had just arrived and those people from the city found us and took us in. Then they said that they needed a favor and we all agreed because they had fed us and given us shelter" He took a deep breath and continued "They told us to come here and attack you, they said it would be a piece of cake."
"So, this was your first life?"
"Yes" answered the man
"That means that we can not die! We only have one left, whoever is controlling this world has changed the rules." Randall exclaimed. Tom was dragging the man outside and left him there.
When he returned he said "What do we do with him?"
"We tie him up and leave him at their doorstep!" Patrick laughed at his own joke.
"Lets do that, we have nothing else to do" Randall said
"Really!" Patrick sounded surprised."Okay" Tom had walked over and opened the door. I heard a hissing noise and saw an explosion out of the corner of my eye. We all flew back and Tom landed on me with a thud coming from me. I pushed him off me, his extreme weight made that task very difficult for me. Patrick was obviously unconscious while Randall was already on his feet.
"What happened I asked?"
"The man decided to crawl away with one arm and walked into a creeper." Explained Tom. The entire front side of the house was destroyed and all I saw was a crater and a bloody mass. All of a sudden a volley of arrows was landing in front of my feet. "They know we've defended against their attack force so they'll be firing arrows at us. We must go now" Tom looked at Randall for confirmation and he nodded. Randall rushed downstairs to put the weapons away. Tom threw the unconscious Patrick over his massive shoulder. And started running. He was carrying all that weight so I guess he needed a head start from the hundreds of arrows fired in our direction a few seconds later.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Bus jokes.
A woman got on a bus holding a baby. The bus driver said: "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen." In a huff, the woman slammed her fare into the fare box and took an aisle seat near the rear of the bus. The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated and asked her what was wrong. "The bus driver insulted me," she fumed. The man sympathized and said: "Why, he's a public servant and shouldn't say things to insult passengers." "You're right," she said. "I think I'll go back up there and give him a piece of my mind." "That's a good idea," the man said. "Here, let me hold your monkey."
A man trying to get on an overcrowded bus was pushed off by the people inside. There's no room,' they said. 'It's full up!' 'But you must let me on!' shouted the man. 'Why, what's so special about you?' they asked. I'm the driver,' replied the man
Roger was sitting in a very full bus when a fat woman opposite said, "If you were a gentleman, young man, you'd stand up and let someone else sit down." "And if you were a lady," replied Roger, "you'd stand up and let four people sit down."
Janet: What's the difference between a cake and a school bus ? Jill: I don't know. Janet: I'm glad I didn't send you to pick up my birthday cake !
A man trying to get on an overcrowded bus was pushed off by the people inside. There's no room,' they said. 'It's full up!' 'But you must let me on!' shouted the man. 'Why, what's so special about you?' they asked. I'm the driver,' replied the man
Roger was sitting in a very full bus when a fat woman opposite said, "If you were a gentleman, young man, you'd stand up and let someone else sit down." "And if you were a lady," replied Roger, "you'd stand up and let four people sit down."
Janet: What's the difference between a cake and a school bus ? Jill: I don't know. Janet: I'm glad I didn't send you to pick up my birthday cake !
Answer me this!
If fire fighters fight fire, and crime fighters fight crime, what do freedom fighters fight?
If buttered toast always lands buttered side down and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on the back of a cat and dropped it?
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
How come noses run and feet smell?
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
If buttered toast always lands buttered side down and a cat always lands on its feet, what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered toast on the back of a cat and dropped it?
If nothing ever sticks to TEFLON, how do they make TEFLON stick to the pan?
How come noses run and feet smell?
If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Minecraft Part 6
People in the Borg tribe were very short tempered, we found that out while walking through their city. The trail wasn't even close to how long we thought it would be. It twisted along a few trees and then there we were, inside the city. Didn't give us much time to plan either, the only thing Randall told us to do was "To walk quickly and keep our heads down." So we did, so much that we could see very little in front of us.
"Hey!" Screamed a shopkeeper, Tim had knocked over what looked like a merchant's cart. The merchant grabbed his arm but he easily broke free. Patrick already had his blade out and was fighting with some other people who had noticed that we were not from around here. I did my first noble action and helped Tim with people fighting him he did a jab to the throat and a body fell to the ground. As I quickly took in our surroundings we were in a long and narrow street that would most likely lead us out of town. That's good we could run away and hide inn the brush, I thought, but it wasn't that simple.
Me and Tim fought our way out of the crowd, and started running towards the end of the street. It looked like everyone was out okay except Randall. I asked Tim about him but all he said was "He can handle himself." I didn't beileive somebody could swordfight through a group of men that big but seconds after those words passed his lips, Randall emerged and started catching up to us. Suddenly, something wizzed past my ear and Tim crumpled to the floor.
An arrow fired from somewhere in the rooftops had embed itself in Tim's knee. Tom noticed and yelled "NO!" over the screams of the men after us. "TIM!" He rushed to the crumpled body. Who was laying unconscious.Tom started to say something, but a hand pulled him away, Patrick's. "NO, TIM" Tom screamed
"We must go" Patrick said to Tom. Tom struggled but his sadness weakened him "We will get him back:" Patrick whispered. And then we sprinted towards the trees. They had grown very thick and blocked out most of the sun.
"We will travel deeper until we setup a base, we must be on the outskirts of their city to help Tim escape." And once we ventured a few miles deeper into the woods, we set up base. Every one but Patrick pulled out an axe and started chopping down trees to make a clearing for the base. "Hey Jeff, you go and get firewood from the wood we chop down" I nodded my head in response. I was amazed at how quickly they were chopping down trees, it was almost in sync as the trees fell down. I turned to watch Patrick who was doing the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. Pulling chunks of wood that out his backpack that were too big to fit inside it. Then something even weirder. As he put a piece of wood next to another the sort of bonded and made one piece. I stood in awe for minutes. My peace was disturbed when someone shoved me and motioned for me to get to work.
Pulling chunks of wood of logs is exhausting, as I figured out. Tom showed me how, all you have to do is punch the wood a few times and a perfectly square wood piece falls out. After punching a few times my arm was really starting to get tired and my knuckles were starting to bleed. I decided I was done and walked over to Patrick with my pile. "Is this enough?"
"Yea, sure, just set it down somewhere and light it up."
"How am I supposed to light it up"
"Uhhh, why do I have to do everything" Patrick grumbled
"Somebody's grumpy today"
"Shut-up, fine, I'll show you" He pulled something out of his pack.
"How does all that stuff fit into the backpack?"
"It just does"
"But how?"
"You ask way to many questions, did you know that? Now this is called a flint and steel, it is made with a piece of flint, and a piece of steel. Now we put it over the wood" He rubbed the two objects together. "Bam, a fire!" I was impressed, but what just happened had made me curious to see what was inside the house. I ran around the campsite, which was just roughly a small wooden cabin, a campfire, and a large picnic table. My curiosity was going to make me implode so I went to the cabin. I opened the door and my heart missed a beat. There was five beds and nothing else was there. I was disappointed, I didn't know why I had been so excited. Until I saw a suspicious looking door towards the right corner of the building. I was excited all over again.
I opened this door and a flight of stairs lead down to a lower level. I walked down and saw a switch. I flicked it on and My eyes widened. How could he not tell me about this. I walked up to is and felt everything. It was a weapons rack with a sorcery table and a potions maker. It might not sound like much, but on top of the sorcery table was a book floating and looked like it was reading itself. I could see on it that you would combine elements on it and it could make poisons or enchant weapons.
"Get up here Jeff, you little crap!" Screamed Tom
"What did I do?"
"Just get up here!" As I ran up the steps Tom was staring at me with a look of disgust.
"You started a fire" Randall said as he walked into the room with Patrick.
"But Patrick told me to" I said, almost whining
"WHAT!" Randall yelled "You know not to." Randall sighed
Patrick had a look of surprise in his face as he said "But...I"
"No butts" Randall said "Everybody go downstairs, grab a weapon, and let's hope they didn't see the smoke from the fire." I thought they didn't, we were to far away. We waited all night but there was no attack. Not until we least expected it.
"Hey!" Screamed a shopkeeper, Tim had knocked over what looked like a merchant's cart. The merchant grabbed his arm but he easily broke free. Patrick already had his blade out and was fighting with some other people who had noticed that we were not from around here. I did my first noble action and helped Tim with people fighting him he did a jab to the throat and a body fell to the ground. As I quickly took in our surroundings we were in a long and narrow street that would most likely lead us out of town. That's good we could run away and hide inn the brush, I thought, but it wasn't that simple.
Me and Tim fought our way out of the crowd, and started running towards the end of the street. It looked like everyone was out okay except Randall. I asked Tim about him but all he said was "He can handle himself." I didn't beileive somebody could swordfight through a group of men that big but seconds after those words passed his lips, Randall emerged and started catching up to us. Suddenly, something wizzed past my ear and Tim crumpled to the floor.
An arrow fired from somewhere in the rooftops had embed itself in Tim's knee. Tom noticed and yelled "NO!" over the screams of the men after us. "TIM!" He rushed to the crumpled body. Who was laying unconscious.Tom started to say something, but a hand pulled him away, Patrick's. "NO, TIM" Tom screamed
"We must go" Patrick said to Tom. Tom struggled but his sadness weakened him "We will get him back:" Patrick whispered. And then we sprinted towards the trees. They had grown very thick and blocked out most of the sun.
"We will travel deeper until we setup a base, we must be on the outskirts of their city to help Tim escape." And once we ventured a few miles deeper into the woods, we set up base. Every one but Patrick pulled out an axe and started chopping down trees to make a clearing for the base. "Hey Jeff, you go and get firewood from the wood we chop down" I nodded my head in response. I was amazed at how quickly they were chopping down trees, it was almost in sync as the trees fell down. I turned to watch Patrick who was doing the most bizarre thing I have ever seen. Pulling chunks of wood that out his backpack that were too big to fit inside it. Then something even weirder. As he put a piece of wood next to another the sort of bonded and made one piece. I stood in awe for minutes. My peace was disturbed when someone shoved me and motioned for me to get to work.
Pulling chunks of wood of logs is exhausting, as I figured out. Tom showed me how, all you have to do is punch the wood a few times and a perfectly square wood piece falls out. After punching a few times my arm was really starting to get tired and my knuckles were starting to bleed. I decided I was done and walked over to Patrick with my pile. "Is this enough?"
"Yea, sure, just set it down somewhere and light it up."
"How am I supposed to light it up"
"Uhhh, why do I have to do everything" Patrick grumbled
"Somebody's grumpy today"
"Shut-up, fine, I'll show you" He pulled something out of his pack.
"How does all that stuff fit into the backpack?"
"It just does"
"But how?"
"You ask way to many questions, did you know that? Now this is called a flint and steel, it is made with a piece of flint, and a piece of steel. Now we put it over the wood" He rubbed the two objects together. "Bam, a fire!" I was impressed, but what just happened had made me curious to see what was inside the house. I ran around the campsite, which was just roughly a small wooden cabin, a campfire, and a large picnic table. My curiosity was going to make me implode so I went to the cabin. I opened the door and my heart missed a beat. There was five beds and nothing else was there. I was disappointed, I didn't know why I had been so excited. Until I saw a suspicious looking door towards the right corner of the building. I was excited all over again.
I opened this door and a flight of stairs lead down to a lower level. I walked down and saw a switch. I flicked it on and My eyes widened. How could he not tell me about this. I walked up to is and felt everything. It was a weapons rack with a sorcery table and a potions maker. It might not sound like much, but on top of the sorcery table was a book floating and looked like it was reading itself. I could see on it that you would combine elements on it and it could make poisons or enchant weapons.
"Get up here Jeff, you little crap!" Screamed Tom
"What did I do?"
"Just get up here!" As I ran up the steps Tom was staring at me with a look of disgust.
"You started a fire" Randall said as he walked into the room with Patrick.
"But Patrick told me to" I said, almost whining
"WHAT!" Randall yelled "You know not to." Randall sighed
Patrick had a look of surprise in his face as he said "But...I"
"No butts" Randall said "Everybody go downstairs, grab a weapon, and let's hope they didn't see the smoke from the fire." I thought they didn't, we were to far away. We waited all night but there was no attack. Not until we least expected it.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Among the many categories that scientists use to classify animals, marsupials are among the most interesting and unique species of animals. Marsupials are for giving birth to under developed young, and having the baby live in the pouch on the animal.
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A Tasmanian devil |
While different species of marsupials live everywhere, most protect their young and act the same immediately after birth. The very short gestation time, 4-5 weeks, means that a baby marsupial, known as a joey, must develop extremely quickly. As small as a pebble, the baby must crawl across the body and into the pouch. To crawl the upper limbs must be far developed. From there the baby will latch onto the nipple for food. To hold on its jaw must be very strong and developed. The joey will not emerge for several months until fully developed.
Many species have different methods of protecting themselves from the harsh weather in the biome they live in. Thereafter, once developed, and emerging from the pouch, the joey must now be taught how to brave the world as a marsupial. In the higher north areas of Australia where wildfires and floods are abundant, marsupials will scrounge around remaining rivers for food. They will eat leaves and roots, as well as various forms of grass. Almost all species of marsupial grow very long eyelashes that protect the eyes as sunglasses would, shading them from the sun. In intense heat the marsupials will eat early in the morning and after dark to escape extremely high temperatures.
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The extinct Marsupial wolf |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Minecraft Part 5
I didn't know this was possible. That the kid who was about to end it could save it. I don't know if that it was really classified as saving my life, even though that it was his fault that I was going to die, intentionally. If he done this on accident, then he would be rescuing my being. I wondered if there was a death limit, but that question quickly found its way out of my head when Randall put his hand out to help me up. More than a hundred thoughts raced through my brain-most of which said not to accept his help. I didn't heed their warnings and put my hand out and grabbed his. He pulled me up when one of the twins (the ugly one) rushed up to give me my sword.
"Why didn't you kill me?" I asked
"Because that would be meaningless" said Randall "You would have less of a chance for surviving with us"
"We fight a lot, mostly creepers and corrupt people who want everything. If you died here you would have less lives to fight with us. If you've died hmm, I would suppose, five times?"
"Well, the maximum deaths are at eleven right now. Sometimes they change, go down or up."
"Then why would you try to kill me?"
"That's our test for now. We used to not test. If I or one of us ever came across a person, this person would be asked if they could fight with a sword or a bow and an arrow. Even though we all lived in the twenty-first century they said yes. Those liars. The first skeleton we saw I gave hi a bow and wasted all of my arrows. Long story short, we died. Some told the truth, like those three behind me. You were the first person we tried the actual test on. You passed, if you didn't, I would've had your head. Patrick was the only one who didn't like the idea. So will you join us" Randall asked with a pleading face.
"Sure" Randall smiled, "but under one condition. We go on a manhunt for that girl you killed."
He sighed "Fine, I really want you in our group, but only for a day. If we can't find her then we leave her."
"You already know Patrick's name"He pointed to the ugly one and said "this is Tim" He pointed to the other guy "This is Tom, and you are?"
"It's getting dark, let's get back to camp" And I followed as they made treacherous journey, over many mountains and around lots of bushes when we stopped.
"Camp sweet camp" said Tom. Him and Tim immediately snatched some tools and wood and made me a little hut. When I walked in I noticed that there was a bed inside. No windows and one torch was what consisted of the hut. I came back out noticed that there weren't any torches around and why no light emulated from my hut. Ask in the morning was the answer from all of them. I bid them all good night and went to bed"
When I got up the other houses were gone. I walked outdoors, the four others were huddled around a fire pit, I wondered why they did not light a fire. I joined them. The brothers immediately got up and started destroying my hut."Next time you will have to make your own. And demolish it for that matter."
"Once we are on our way we will show you the reason for us not using light outside our camp."
"Let's get moving" someone said, I did not know who, and honestly, I didn't care. I had another thing on my mind.
"What about Madeline?" I asked with a rude tone in my voice.
"Later, we may find her where we are going" Randall said wisely. I mumbled some words at him under my breath. All the time we had been walking, I didn't realize that, but we were already a quite a while away from our previous campground. After about an hour of walking, Randall stopped, everyone else stopped but me. I kept on walking, oblivious that everyone else had lie down and wasn't moving.
"Get down" Patrick hissed. I dropped to the floor, not because he had said so, but because I saw light. This light was preceding from a house in the woods. About two stories high, and with a massive clearing in front of the house, none of us wanted to go near it.
"Let's get closer, maybe we can subdue the person inside of it, tie them up and take the house" Randall said "You all see that movement in there. Hopefully only one person"
"How do you know this person is one of them?" said Tim
"I don't, but it certainly seems like it. This is probably just an outpost. In that area without trees is most likely a path. One that leads to their village."
"May I ask what you are talking about?" I asked
"These people are our enemies, we are just a little group from a large amount of people who try to survive in this world, I'm sure there are many more. But these people we are looking at now are the only ones that give us trouble."Tim explained
"What do they do?"
"Everything they can, they have superior numbers to us, but we are far more advanced. Not barbarians like them" Randall said with disgust in his voice "They rob, kill and, blow things up. Like your house" Now I was mad. These people made my house explode. "They call themselves Borg, we should go like, now" And we were on the attack, enclosing on the house.
"Follow me and do as I do" Patrick whispered in my ear. I bobbed my head up in down as a response. All five of us walked towards the left side of the house. In the front Randall's predictions had come true, there was a gravel path leading towards forest area. Tom sprinted towards the door and kicked it in. From the rest it was like slow motion. Tom jumped to the side as a barrage of arrows came towards him. None hit him but he was dazed. Next was Randall, he threw some TNT in and a trail of red dust followed. The explosion was deafening and threw us all on our backs except Tom who was built so that he could withstand the blow. The first person I saw from the house was a young Asian, perhaps in his young twenties, he was flying into the door way, he hit the wall and fell. He landed on an apparent booby trap for intruders like us, which we never triggered. Four arrows fired from each side and stabbed him in the abdomen and neck, blood spurted out and he squirmed on the floor until he died a few seconds later.
Tim pulled out a something like a knife, except with a serrated blade and was curved. He jumped into the house and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Randall followed, but just walking, almost menacingly. I decided to walk in, carefully stepping over the trap - and the body - to enter.
Upon entering I had a sense that there was no more danger. Especially when I saw Tim with a bloody blade, staring grimly at something I could not see, and I set my mind so that I did not want to. Randall walked out of the door and motioned for us to follow. He started down the path and so did we, walking into the city where we would later lose a member of our pack.
"Why didn't you kill me?" I asked
"Because that would be meaningless" said Randall "You would have less of a chance for surviving with us"
"We fight a lot, mostly creepers and corrupt people who want everything. If you died here you would have less lives to fight with us. If you've died hmm, I would suppose, five times?"
"Well, the maximum deaths are at eleven right now. Sometimes they change, go down or up."
"Then why would you try to kill me?"
"That's our test for now. We used to not test. If I or one of us ever came across a person, this person would be asked if they could fight with a sword or a bow and an arrow. Even though we all lived in the twenty-first century they said yes. Those liars. The first skeleton we saw I gave hi a bow and wasted all of my arrows. Long story short, we died. Some told the truth, like those three behind me. You were the first person we tried the actual test on. You passed, if you didn't, I would've had your head. Patrick was the only one who didn't like the idea. So will you join us" Randall asked with a pleading face.
"Sure" Randall smiled, "but under one condition. We go on a manhunt for that girl you killed."
He sighed "Fine, I really want you in our group, but only for a day. If we can't find her then we leave her."
"You already know Patrick's name"He pointed to the ugly one and said "this is Tim" He pointed to the other guy "This is Tom, and you are?"
"It's getting dark, let's get back to camp" And I followed as they made treacherous journey, over many mountains and around lots of bushes when we stopped.
"Camp sweet camp" said Tom. Him and Tim immediately snatched some tools and wood and made me a little hut. When I walked in I noticed that there was a bed inside. No windows and one torch was what consisted of the hut. I came back out noticed that there weren't any torches around and why no light emulated from my hut. Ask in the morning was the answer from all of them. I bid them all good night and went to bed"
When I got up the other houses were gone. I walked outdoors, the four others were huddled around a fire pit, I wondered why they did not light a fire. I joined them. The brothers immediately got up and started destroying my hut."Next time you will have to make your own. And demolish it for that matter."
"Once we are on our way we will show you the reason for us not using light outside our camp."
"Let's get moving" someone said, I did not know who, and honestly, I didn't care. I had another thing on my mind.
"What about Madeline?" I asked with a rude tone in my voice.
"Later, we may find her where we are going" Randall said wisely. I mumbled some words at him under my breath. All the time we had been walking, I didn't realize that, but we were already a quite a while away from our previous campground. After about an hour of walking, Randall stopped, everyone else stopped but me. I kept on walking, oblivious that everyone else had lie down and wasn't moving.
"Get down" Patrick hissed. I dropped to the floor, not because he had said so, but because I saw light. This light was preceding from a house in the woods. About two stories high, and with a massive clearing in front of the house, none of us wanted to go near it.
"Let's get closer, maybe we can subdue the person inside of it, tie them up and take the house" Randall said "You all see that movement in there. Hopefully only one person"
"How do you know this person is one of them?" said Tim
"I don't, but it certainly seems like it. This is probably just an outpost. In that area without trees is most likely a path. One that leads to their village."
"May I ask what you are talking about?" I asked
"These people are our enemies, we are just a little group from a large amount of people who try to survive in this world, I'm sure there are many more. But these people we are looking at now are the only ones that give us trouble."Tim explained
"What do they do?"
"Everything they can, they have superior numbers to us, but we are far more advanced. Not barbarians like them" Randall said with disgust in his voice "They rob, kill and, blow things up. Like your house" Now I was mad. These people made my house explode. "They call themselves Borg, we should go like, now" And we were on the attack, enclosing on the house.
"Follow me and do as I do" Patrick whispered in my ear. I bobbed my head up in down as a response. All five of us walked towards the left side of the house. In the front Randall's predictions had come true, there was a gravel path leading towards forest area. Tom sprinted towards the door and kicked it in. From the rest it was like slow motion. Tom jumped to the side as a barrage of arrows came towards him. None hit him but he was dazed. Next was Randall, he threw some TNT in and a trail of red dust followed. The explosion was deafening and threw us all on our backs except Tom who was built so that he could withstand the blow. The first person I saw from the house was a young Asian, perhaps in his young twenties, he was flying into the door way, he hit the wall and fell. He landed on an apparent booby trap for intruders like us, which we never triggered. Four arrows fired from each side and stabbed him in the abdomen and neck, blood spurted out and he squirmed on the floor until he died a few seconds later.
Tim pulled out a something like a knife, except with a serrated blade and was curved. He jumped into the house and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Randall followed, but just walking, almost menacingly. I decided to walk in, carefully stepping over the trap - and the body - to enter.
Upon entering I had a sense that there was no more danger. Especially when I saw Tim with a bloody blade, staring grimly at something I could not see, and I set my mind so that I did not want to. Randall walked out of the door and motioned for us to follow. He started down the path and so did we, walking into the city where we would later lose a member of our pack.
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