I ran until I felt I was about to explode. I didn't want to end up like Tim, abandoned. I stopped running and caught my breath. The others had kept on running without me. Even Tom looked like he could've gone a few more miles. "We need to put as much distance between us and them" Randall wheezed.
"We can't take a break?" I asked. Randall didn't answer but instead ran. I'll take that as a no. We kept running, no breaks.Everybody started to slow down. We kept a steady pace and jogged through the forest. The thickness of the trees became a brush and soon we were in a long clearing. It's risky to run through an open space like this but as long as we run I guess we are safe. I pushed myself like I never had before I felt as if my legs would pop off. Obviously the others are all in better shape than me.
Patrick's body jerked awake. Tom didn't notice and kept on running. Patrick started clubbing Tom in the head, I don't think knew who it was. He looked up and saw me and instantly stopped. Tom lie him down and jokingly said "You might have given me a concussion" Patrick grinned. But it disappeared quickly when he got his bearings.
"Where are we. What happened?" Randall then explained how we had been attacked and ran. He didn't miss much. Except running. After a few minutes of silence we moved again. We were all prepared to run faster and made good time.
"For once in a long time, I finally feel lost" Announced Patrick. He didn't admit it, but I'm pretty sure that Randall was too.
"This is good" Randall said. We stopped on the top off a long cliff overlooking the way we came. "They'll be able to track us, no doubt, but when they do come we'll either be gone, or, be able to see them." Unfortunately, that didn't work out because a thick fog rolled in. The sun was beginning to set. "Patrick and I will begin to make camp, while Patrick and Jeff defend us from the forces of night."
"I'll get the East side" Patrick pointed in the left of the cliff "You get the West" He pointed to the other side. I pulled an enchanted sword out from my backpack. I stood ready and waited. Since seeing an enemy wasn't a good option, I mainly relied on my sense of hearing. I didn't dare look back since I might alarm some zombies or whatnot of our location. After a while I got tired, I started to become lazy. I was halfway to being asleep when a rustling awoke my senses.
I jumped, prepared to fight anything, expecting the worse. The noise was advancing towards me I was prepared. When the figure advanced out of the fog I literally jumped. I raised my sword above my head and then saw what was standing in front of me. I was expecting a zombie, or worse. But it was only an ocelot. I pulled some fish out of my pack and stuck my hand out. The cat edged towards it until it was within eating distance. It just stared for a few moments, then nibbled at the fish. Eventually once it was finished it started purring.
The cat had long black stripes running along it sides while it was topped in gray. The cat looked young, yet battle worn. I was trying to think of a name when Chirpy popped into my head. I started petting of it, instantly claiming it my pet. I assumed it was a guy, it was a 50% chance, although, if I was wrong that would be very awkward for me and my pet, Chirpy.
A creeper walked out from the fog maybe half an hour from when Chirpy came around. I held my sword in a defensive stance and prepared to swing. Before my arm was released in a forward motion the curious side of my brain caught me and wondered, why wasn't the creeper doing anything? I studied it in awe. It wasn't looking at me, but Chirpy. They had their eyes locked onto each other. The creeper wasn't ticking, which was odd, normally once you were within a few feet of their body it would explode. I was easily two feet away from it and wasn't blowing up or anything. The creeper blinked, turned around, and started walk away.
I just stood there trying to comprehend what just happened. The simple part of my brain was hooked on the thought that the creeper had just decided it wasn't interested. But the other half had strayed upon the thought that the cat had to do with the creeper's disappearance.
A few seconds later I hear Tom's bellowing voice saying the camp is ready. A moment I hear loud growling and the soft riddle of noise coming from the spiders. I raced into the tent with Chirpy where Tom and Randall were waiting. I zipped the door closed. "Where's Patrick!" I ask anxiously.
"Open the door!" Randall screams at me. I open it and look out. At first I think it's okay but I quickly changed my mind after I heard growling.
"Patrick!" I scream hopelessly looking through the fog for him. I trudge towards the East side, where he said he'd be. I don't see anything but bloody, sticky grass. I start sprinting farther in that direction. A noise stops me. It's a meow. Chirpy runs up beside me and I'm comforted that I'm not alone. Chirpy starts to trot ahead of me. I know dogs can sniff out people, maybe cats can too. I'm starting to follow him when I hear a clink of a sword. It's in the direction Chirpy is headed . I start following that cat. Maybe cats have good hearing instead of smell. I see a faint silhouette of three figures. Two are oddly deformed and attacking the third which is carrying a weapon. "Patrick!" I shout.
When I arrive I notice three dead zombies on the floor and a spider having spasm beside them. Patrick is obviously exhausted, which is showing by his sluggish movements and his weak swings. Just as it looks like the zombies have won I jump into the battle. I charge at them at stick my sword through one's stomach. It follows through until the other side where it sticks out of it's belly. The other zombie tries to claw at me but I dodge. Just at that moment Chirpy jumps onto his shoulder and starts tearing the bone out of its socket. He's a fighter.
"Good job boy" I yell in praise. I swing me sword and it connects with flesh. There's a soft tearing sound as the zombie's head is sliced off of it's body. The headless zombie stands for a few seconds and then it's lifeless body falls towards the ground.. I pick my cat off of the zombie and start petting him. Patrick is on the ground, his stomach rising and falling to his breath.
I throw his body around my body and head back to camp.
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